Monday 3 May 2010

NME magazine
NME is aimed at young males aged 15-24. The magazine doesn't really contain in-depth articles about artists, but rather features in montages of pictures. The magazine is more of a newspaper than a magzine, and features reports on artists and recent shows. We can tell from the title block that the magazine is trying to attract a young audience. We know this because of the bold lettering as it is very bold and eye catching. The colours are also very bold (red and black). The title of the magazine is pronounced as 'Enemy' , it suggests that the magazine enemy is the popular culture.

The central image is of Gerrad Way from the band 'My Chemical Romance'. It uses a direct mode of address which shows that the magazine wants it to have a connection with the audience. However, his body is twisted away from the audience and only half of his face is showing. This shows that the magazine wants us to know him, but not fully; it makes it seen mysterious. He is on the front so he can promote My Chemical Romance's new album. He will also help to bring in a wider audience.

The anchorage text says: "My chemical romance on their punk comeback album"- this tells the audience that it is something new and they have come back with a bang! The colours used are red, white and black. These colours are very bold and also looks quite dangerous. They chose three main coloursto focus on because using too many would not make the image look as appealing to the audince. NME does its best to attract readers by featuring various artists and bands on the front cover, they also mention up and coming artists that do not usually get coverage in other music magazines.

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