Friday 7 May 2010

Feature Article.

Earlier this week as the Bass interview team were deciding on a well known up and coming artist from East London to interview in the first issue of Bass. Early last Monday we contacted the artist known as Snatch. We arranged to meet up at his brand new studio in his central London apartment where we spent the day
As soon as we met Snatch, we straight away noticed that he was a true rocker. Just by the clothing he had on, baggy jeans with chains and rips, followed by a large red t shirt with various fashionable rips over it. As we began touring his luxury apartment, just like his clothing, we noticed that he lived in a rock-like environment. There were numerous musical instruments in random places in each room.
Once the tour was finished we settled down to a nice cup of tea where we began to question the popular rocker.
Bass: So then ‘Snatch’; let’s get straight into it, what inspired you to be a young rocker?
Snatch: Well it all kicked off when I was a young lad. My mum and dad played the biggest part in inspiring me in my younger stages, There favourite music was rock, even if I didn’t like it, it was hard to hide from it. Every morning, night and evening rock music would be pulsing through the walls of the flat, neighbours used to complain all the time. We were even threatened to be evicted from the flat, but this didn’t stop my hardcore rocking parents! I took to the idea of rock music very early and received my first drum kit and guitar at the age of 6, from then i did lessons for 10 years till i was 15, by this time I had nearly every skill under my belt.
Bass: From that point, how did you jump from being a normal boy doing guitar lessons, to actually rocking for a profession?
Snatch: As I was from a rundown area in central London, I could only dream of taking it further, as you said, making it a profession, but you know what they say, dreams can come true. It all stemmed from a talent show held in my school. The only experience I had of performing was from previous talent shows in school, so i was used to the same audience, exept this one time where i noticed an unfamiliar face watching from the door at the far end of the hall. I thought nothing more of it.

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