Thursday 6 May 2010



My Magazine uses a range of distinctive conventions of magazines, yet challenges and develops some aspects to make my magazine unique and different from the others already available in the market. For starters, on the front cover, my title block is in the top left corner followed by a circle containing the price in large font. I also included my central image with anchorage text just above it which states ‘Exclusive interview with Snatch’. Below the central image is a puff which stretches from left to right across the page and states ‘This weeks top 40 uk downloads’. All these aspects reflect the typical conventions of magazines. I also maintained a consistent house style throughout, by using the same font and colours – Black, Yellow, Red and Grey. However, to build up the forms of conventions on the front cover; I gave a ripped outline effect to my central image to enhance the rock theme of my magazine I have challenged few conventions of the front cover and have done so primarily inside the magazine, so that a regular reader is not put off by an unfamiliar front cover. However I chose yellow for the background colour on the front cover, because it is unconventional and attracts readers more than a plain black or white cover does. Therefore, inside I presented my images in non-conventional ways by once again adding a ripped edge effect around the main image. This should attract the audience and provide a different style of magazine, yet still not divide the readers.My magazine aims to characterize certain social groups, especially the target audience. It aims to represent young males and females between the ages of 15 -24 that live in the UK who are not as wealthy as readers of more expensive music magazines. This representation is reflected in my feature article about snatch who is from the same background as my target audience, a 16 year old rocker from a lower class background to a well known British rocker. This Real life story could be inspiring for the readers who are also young and mainly from lower class backgrounds. As a result, by targeting a younger lower class audience, I am challenging the conventions of other magazines as the majority of them are only targeted at males. I have tried to create a sense of belonging and welcoming towards my readers by using words like ‘Exclusive’, making them feel privileged that Bass is providing them with exclusive information.
Looking back on my research on publishing companies, if I were to choose one to distribute my magazine I would select IPC media to distribute my product as they publish both niche and mainstream magazines. They have also previously worked with rock magazines before, such as 'NME'. Therefore they would have experience and knowledge on this matter. Also, from my research, I learnt that just under 50% of the uk read an IPC media magazine, this immediately my magazine an opportunity to attract a wider audience than expected.As stated previously, the audience for my magazine are lower class males and females aged 15 - 24 that live in the UK and have an interest in rock and are interested in up and coming new artists from the same background and environment as them. I have chosen this target audience because there are very few magazines the market that attracts this type of audience where not only do they provide them with the latest exclusive information, but also relates to them by delivering articles about young up and coming artists like themselves. Once again, looking back on my research and knowledge I decided that as the magazine will be published in the main towns and cities such as London and Manchester, I will aim to target the average young person between the age range of 15-24. Consequently, this is why I used images of a young average male from east London. As a result of this, the magazine may then attract more females than expected, because of the popular young male in my magazine.
To attract my target audience, I used a black rock – like font with a vibrant red shadow behind it for my title block to immediately give the magazine a rock theme. This is then followed by the cheap price tag of ‘99p’ once again opening doors for an even wider audience as this is extremely cheap for a magazine. The picture I used has a direct mode of address to immediately draw in the audience new-readers on the first issue, but as the magazine issues progress, direct contact will be maintained.
From the beginning of my coursework I have learnt about two key vital programs in my production; Photoshop and Blogging. This is the first time I ever used Photoshop, every single skill Evident in my production work had been learnt this year. For example feather tools, resizing and moving, fading an image, how to brighten and darken lighting on images, how to highlight objects, glow, add shadow, change colour, filter, colour pick and fix the object, how to sharpen images, etc. On Blogger, I have learnt specific skills on presentation, It has been a useful tool to gather and present information. For example to gather information i used polls and allowed users to comment on my work, such as my classmates and my teachers who provided feedback and I was able to go over my work and improve it. I have also learnt how to navigate. I have also learnt how to use Adobe Picture Illustrator as well as Photoshop, to arrange images and insert text. However, I found Photoshop easier to use and it gave me better results, so I’ve use Photoshop for most of my production work.

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