Thursday 18 March 2010


Circle your answer

1) whats your favourite music magazine


2) What makes a magazine more interesting for you

Free CD
Exclusive content (e.g. Exclusive interview)
Free accessory

3) What draws your attention to the magazine

Size and theme of the image and who it is of
Size and colour of the title

4) What information would you like to be included in the magazine?

Interviews Biographies Gossip

5) What is your favourite colour?

red yellow purple orange Other (Please specify)

6) Which of these musician’s do you like the best?

Jay-Z Mr Hudson Pink akon UB40

7) What do you think would be a good free gift with the magazine?

Stickers Cards Large Poster Small Toy DVD/CD

8) How often would you like a new issue to be released?

Daily weekly fortnightly Monthly

9) What would be a good prize in a competition?

Clothing Electrical things Tickets for an event chance to meet a celebrity

10) What did you think of this questionnaire?

Good Okay Boring Helpful Too Short Too Long

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