Tuesday 9 February 2010

title blocks

The first factor that anyone would notice about this title is the colour of the text which is red with a white outline and black background. These colours are part of the house style for NME and allow the audience to recognise it straight away. The bright red assists in achieving this and represents an target audience that are rebellious and different. The letters are written in a large, clear and bold font. This contrasts the type of magazine that is such as many people believe it is a kind of trashy magazine, whereas the font and clearness of the title represents a magazine that would be for an audience that are more mature. NME stands for new musical express and indicates a promotion of new musical talent. When the word express is thought about, the idea of a wide range of items comes to mind which represents NME as being a magazine that is based around a range of things such as new music, gossip and musical articles. Rather than presenting itself as a newspaper rather than a magazine which shows a rebellious type of audience. The target audience are mostly an audience that are male and are aged between


This magazine title is based upon a trendy young style and can be shown clearly through the font. However the colour white as the font colour also brings out a mature side of the magazine and therefore seems like it caters for an older audience as well as a young one. The definition of the work Mojo is a charm or spell and shows that the music magazine is based on fantasies. This magazine represents a trendy audience that have their own style and identity and don’t like to follow the crowd kind of people.

This is a magazine title that is aimed at both genders, men and women ranging between the ages of 15 to 24. As you can see, the writing is in bold, capital letters with an exclamation mark at the end. This represents a music genre that is unique. The word kerrang is an onomatopoeia and comes from the noise that is made when a guitar is hit really hard. This represents the loudness and popularity of the rock music. The colours used in this title are black and white which represent an equal audience in terms of ethnicity, so black and white representing both women and men. The colours create a stereotypical view of the type of people that read this magazine. It implies the audience that reads this magazine are from an outcast type of social group such as emo’s and Goths. It also implies that this audience are into and dress in dark kind of colours. Within the title there are white lines breaking through it which creates a broken effect. This could represent that this magazine reaches out to a broken type audience. The style of the writing also resembles graffiti which reaches out to a younger audience and sort of represents a young audience that hang about on the streets.

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